How time zooms, with less than 2 weeks, my first semster in UWA finally come to an end.
In terms of study, I admit I did struggle a fair bit in the transition of becoming a student from a soldier. Assignment had been a huge pain in my ass especially when the dealines zooms nearer and nearer. I guess next sem, my strategy for assignment would be 1) start early 2) getting constant feedback from tutors.
As for the other aspects of my life, I feel much blessed with the many (material) things and school friends and church friends I have. God has been good but I am a bit greedy, I would to have just one more to complete the life of mine.
Anyway time to go back to my books again... SIBEI SIAN
|7:37 AM|
With 1.6 litres engines and manual transmission, this baby definelty will be a terror on the road. Baby back seat is collapsable to put in my bike for a tour View that you might be seeing if u roadhog me and i will smash my brake right after I overtake you. And thank you very much for the money u gonna compensate me for bumping my baby's rear No la just joking la... how can i let my baby suffer a truma like this? Anyway this pic is for my mum to buy 4d... tio liao remember to send money for petrol.. Thx.
|2:26 AM|
|1:33 AM|
|2:09 AM|
so far perth had been superb. Weather had started to cool down a little this few daes with 18 degrees yesterdae night.
Went for a jog yesterdae night too and i find it too difficult to run in australia as the air hear is thinner compare to singapore. (is it an excuse not to run?)
Well lets do some accounts here and see how much I have already spent.
Preparid Cards - $30 + $30 = $60 just made my additional top up of 30 dollars todae. Due to the calling made to car owners
Smart Ryder(EZ link equiv) = $25 used it for alot of daes already. still have 15 dollars inside. super amazing
Paintball admission = $90 paint ball admissioned but its a pain to my wallet. got ten entries altogether giving it out to first 10 ple who come and visit perth.
Fish and chips @fremantle = $12.50 excellent fish and chips at fremantle. Excellent place.
Sheng Mee @ my school area = $7.50 another daylight robbery by asians operated resturant.
Snow Mango @ Northbridge = $5 for ice kachang which my friend insist it's isnt.
Rent =$400 for two weeks
Groceries = $30
Total spent = $630 for the first week
I must stop spending as if pay will be coming in on the 10th of everymonth
|1:58 AM|
Next week will be on full gear car hunting mode! I tot its pretty cool but the milelage and potential maintance puts me off... euro car maintainence high... but i will still go for a test drive i guess...
Saw a Landrover A ford falcon station wagon going for 7k.. well its a big and cool car. but i dont think will need a 4l engine. The lenght of the car might cause some problem when doing parrellel parking..
|7:56 PM|
wow outstanding man the price here.
this afternoon after a super inefficient enrolment in school we went for our late lunch. Had sheng mian from the cookfood stall near campus.. Bear in mind its stall not resturant
One serving of sheng mian is a whopping $7.50. Not forgetting the CAI TAU KUEY also $7.50.
I think who the fella who order the cai tau kuey is really a cai tau man... the stall owner shld fried him instead.
Anyway todae i spent another 80 bucks on some paintball admission stuffs.. need to tell myself pay doesnt comes in every 10th of each month anymore!
|6:26 AM|