Next Destination (edited)

Next Destination. Officer Cadet School. Three weeks of confinement. 9 months of suffering. Just for 1 chocolate bar on your left and right shoulders. But it will be worth it. That's where boys become man.

We are the Officers Cadet of the OCS.
To inspire onwards as Officers to be,
We now state with reverence and respect,
The Officer creed.

I am an Officer of the Singapore Arm Forces.
My duty is to Lead, to Exel and to Overcome.
I lead my man by example.
I answer for their training, morale and disciple.
I must excel in everything I do.
I serve with pride, honour and intergrity.
I will overcome adversity with courage, fortitute and determination.

I dedicate my life to Singapore

|6:26 PM|

IPPT results

Standing board jump : 243cm Shuttles Run : 10.00 seconds, Chin up : 12, Sit up: 45

2.4km run : 9.50 min. Total points: 25/25 Awarded: Sliver

How far was i away from Gold award?

Its the time u taken to read this short entry


|8:27 PM|