NDP = National Day Pathetic. One crackers tibits, one mineral water, one packet of tissue, one yeos drink, one kfc moisture hanky and one rain coat. Cool ya? While waiting for the show to start, we did some self entertaining by taking pictures of ourself. And the taking photo idea is frm her... Aunt jane. Ok guys super tired liao.. Please wait for part 2. More very interesting stuffs coming up. "on the plastic bag: Please use this bag for you litter." Indeed stuffs inside are nothing but rubbish.
I think cool or not cool is written on Hong Hao's face.
What to do if the little bag has a hole? Dont worry. Paste the "Throw and Win Big Money sticker on it" How considerate!
|9:24 AM|
The venue, Marina Bay. Quite a beautiful place . Lots of nice scenary. First performace, DRAGON BOAT competition between three school. Next while waiting for the MP(Millionaires Personnels) no be seated, Songs of multi curtural will be sang. Something I dont understand is, for chinese they actually sang Jacky Cheung 我想和你去吹吹风. Tell mi whats that song gona do with NDP? Soon, Maljula Singapura was sang, It had been such a long time since i sang this song! Sense of patriotism fill my heart. Looking at Chinook with our national flag and 4 apache helicopter flying pass, i told myself, malaysia siao liao Soon the marching contingent make their exit.
MerlionSands Resort
Central Business District
Benjamin Sheares Bridge
Ferries Wheel
I would sae that on the whole, the org commitee has make good but not full use of the water surrounding us.
Wait, something is wrong here.... lets take a closer look!
Wait, wait wait, didnt the mcee just said its dragon boat competition? Amazingly, i saw MOTORIZED DRAGONS.. oi blue dragon boat u lousy la, now 21st century liao lei, invest in a motor la.After the motorized dragon, Its the motorized Dragonfly! Ok I'm lame. Its our very honourable red lions doing the free-fall. everytime i see them, i would imagine myself the one doing it. but then its rather impossible la. I must sae that this year landing ground is kindna tough as there were far too much obstacle, These guys did a splendid job.
Forming up the parade. This is also the segment i like.
G.O.H Guard of Honour : Army, Navy, Airbase, Police. Y no civil defense?
GOH, and colours parties. Hope during NS i would have a chance to be there.
Soon the F16 ROARS pass the grand stand. and i mean ROAR.
(malaysia calling lockheed ordering 3 same model planes)
Wow, this 5 plane too power, the moment i wanna snap them, they flew away. Heng still got some smoke to shoot.
Next was the Chinook performace. It first shows a chinook hovering just above the water, and later divers from the naval diver units jump off from the heli. COOL. I think malaysia PM, crying in his office now.
After many years, our navy and coast guard finally has something to show off. Starting off with a explosion of a undersea mine, the navy and police crafts sped down the waterfront and did some splendid mouneva. Suddenly i feel so proud of PAP.
To sign off the arsenal display, a duet performace by the RSAF newly purchased apache. Again they did a magnificient job. They even make a bow to the audience before it make its speedy exit. Too bad they didnt fire any rounds into the water. I tot it will be great if they can do it. Ah ya better dont la. Later our neighbors scare until wanna banned sands, granite and many other things they can think of.
As they were march off, i noticed something disturbing.
So much about balloting.
Soon the show starts. Showing off our elite forces storming down the grandstand. Dont they look stupid? Commandoes also did repelling down the sheares bridege.
Message to Al Qaeda,: Dont try to be funny.
Basically, for mi NDP ends here. The rest of the show is really time waster.Out of the 20 mins or so post parade segment, i only like 2 show (appx 4min ) They were the electronic kite and the parachuting.
Best part of throughtout the 20 mins show. i was waiting fervently for the fireworks. Holding camera in my hands armed in video mode. i was waiting for the start of the fireworks show. To my horror. This is the shit i got.
No wonder before we go for the show, Bp cousin told us todae fireworks only ten percent hor!
Haizz what to do? play the video ten times la, then u will get to see 100%
|1:02 AM|
Yellow Sky wont let down bitter-hearted ple.
|7:02 AM|
Came by rail.. Me with night lens. Wow, box looks impressive too. Lets open it .
Cool man, 1 frame, and 2 lens..
Red frame with seegirlslens. Y see girl u may ask, this lens very power. it can hide yr eyes, so if u look at girls, girls wont know u are looking at them.
Come with a small pouch which can also act as a cleaning agent.
Me with seegirlslens. Look super ferice. Ya behind is the map of Aussie.
|11:05 PM|
Finally after 1 month of waiting, my sunglass is due to arrived todae!
I wonder if they send it here via sea from UK. No no, i think they send it by rail.. u know uk via pakistan then india, burma, thai, malaysia then singapore.
Whatever it is. tonight i will get hold of it... and will change the lens to the seegirllens and chiong east coast park.
You wanna come along?
|9:27 PM|
If you have known mi long enuff, you would have known I had been a very patriotic citizen. Im proud to say, since primary 4 when i first attended the NDP, I have never failed to bring my ass down to the national day stadium/padang on every 9 augusts or 2 sats before the actual dae.
From 2 years queueing at tampines stadium, I continued, faithfully queuing even when the queue shifted to a much desolated Bedok camp two. Queuing then was not a 1, 2 hrs affair. Its a overnight thing. Which means u need to pay a price in order to celebrate the country birthday. But its ok. Im patriotic.
After some years, some crap generals of the SAF begin introducing a surprise NDP ticketing system. Which means news of ticketing would only be released couple hrs before ticketing excersie starts.
Yes they think they smart, but we exprienced queuers were even smarter. We deploy our scouts team to the frequent ndp ticketing outlets to spy for any logistical movement. Lo and behold, we found 3 and 5 tonners truck with army personnels at bedok stadium
After which, a few phone calls confirms our findings. Call bedok stadium and act wanna book badminton courts, soccer feilds. Well i guess our 3g army is not as advanced as our 3g mobile phone then.
Wadever it is, instead of surprising us, i guessed they were much more surprise seeing us the exprienced queuers with our sleeping bags 1 day before the actual ticketing starts.
But due to some sophiscated andidontwanttosharewithyou reasons, i didnt manage to get any tickets. Using $40 BIG LIKE CANNON bucks, i made my virgin purchase of a pair of NDP tickets.
That particular year. I went to two NDP show. Preview and Actual . And on the actual dae, i had sore eyes. (literal)
The following year, dont know is it they wanna revenge against the exprienced queuers who had managed to pwned yr ass the previous year, they introduce
|8:29 PM|
Just now we had a mini celebration thank giving session chair by alan.
Two particular sharing struck mi. By Yao Ho and Mr Lum.
Every time if they have the oppotunity to share, i would have guessed that their topic will surround their non christian wife... it will be how they ill treat them, how God has help them to get out of their clutches... blah blah and blah.
Well I guess the Lord had shown us how a unequally yolk family can cause much disturbance.... So if ure a christian and your reading this, pls take note.
Moral of story: U dont have to try out drugs yrself to know its bad for you.
|6:52 AM|
|10:16 PM|
Let's say I'm going Uni of West Aust to pursue my degree.... Tell u its either i need a sugar mummy or i got to have the guts to rob a bank and not be caught in order to acheive tat piece of paper.
How much $$ u may ask.. My friend is going this July and she told mi she set aside 200k for a 3 years stay there.
|1:55 AM|
Haizzz 86 more daes to train or i can kiss a career in the Army goodbye...
|11:15 PM|
Bloody shit, Good that im still able to blog this incident. This proof that im not so seriously injured.
Was cycling happlily along the CYCLIST track when this group of IDOITS was playing basketball. As usual, being a kind cyclist, as long as they leave a passage for mi to pass, i will close one eye. But the fact was they didnt! They happily and greedily occupy the whole lane which doesnt belong to them! BUT remember? Im a kind cyclist. i slow down my speed and hopefully they will noticed my presence.
But to my horror, either my bike is too silent (due to the dollars and cents invested) or jiannan ringing of bell is too soft that they didnt even hear, THEY DIDNT BARGE. TO MAKE MATTER WORST, BLOODY SHIT THEIR BASKETBALL HAPPEN TO FALL RIGHT ON MY HANDLE BAR WHERE THE CYCLOMETER WAS LOCATED WHICH I BOUGHT JUST 2 DAES AGO AND CAUSE MI TO LOSE BALANCE.
and best part was i was on my spd shoes, (those shoes clip on the pedals one) and becuase of the situation and my noobness with the shoes, i didnt manage to unclip it hence, i fall 90 degrees to my right with my shoes still intact to my bike! WHAT A SIGHT TO BEHOLD.
After i manage to unclip and get back on my feet, these bugger actually came up to me and ask if im alrite. Using my loudest voice. I asked them to use their brains. This is obviously a cyclist track. If they wanna play basketball. please go to the feild or something.
Think back i think i reacted wrongly. If next time this thing happen again, i will ferige dead or unconsious. Then after they call ambulance, i pick up myself and ride off. Sounds great?
|7:38 AM|
p/s Zhng is a hokkein word for modifying. Original price = $35 Bought Second hand : $15. That dude even install for mi! Sidi SPDS Shoe Dominator 4 ... Beauty.... Had a great time figuring how to clip and unclip from my pedals. Hopefuly i wont get to fall on the roads. Original price $240, Bought it at $140 + $20 for the cleats. Last but not least is this Shimano Sunglasses.. Look quite ferice. 1st hand going for $99... Cheap cheap, Come with 3 lens to change also. One to see when night, one to see when its dae another is to see girls.
Had been investing big bucks on my bike.... this are the recent zhnging.Cyclometer. This piece of technology will tell you if you are speeding on yr bike. It tells the distance travelled, the current speed, the time and the max speed.
|6:33 PM|
|9:19 AM|