Goodie Bag.... This is Goodie bag is a power ranger bag. Let the pictures do the talking ... dont feel like typing much Instruction Some like it stripped. Some like it colourful Some may like it small Some may find it too small More preview coming up.. stay tuned. Some like it original
But i like this way the most... BIG and Beautiful.
|5:26 AM|
|6:54 PM|
I sux at mathematics, but maybe u can tell me.... Click for larger pix... Please my friends... dont be the next titanic to crash into the big hidden ice berg..
Question: What are the odds of planning a conspriancy against the united states of america without the CIA or the FBI knowing?
Ans: Fat hope.
Question: What are the odds 仔仔 marrying 小S without the taiwanese media knowing?
Ans: Next to impossible.
So, tell me whats the point of hiding things from others?
Note to my friends:
You think you're cool. U got wad it takes to lose. But please spare a tot for the people ard you.
Yes, you may counted the cost. You may also know what it takes if things get out of hand. But my question for you is, do u really know the cost? The total cost? +gst 7%? Dont be the next Titanic
Crew: Captain! Captain! Look! Ice berg!
Captian: Relac la.... That ice berg like the ice cube in my milo peng. U think wad my titanic make of paper one ah?
|8:57 AM|
Did you ever exprience a the feeling of a bloated stomach? Well i just did and i simply dont like it. Did you ever exprience the feeling of wanna vommit but keep preventing yrself from doing so? Well I can tell you the feeling is sibei high. $1 HL MILK choco flavour (tat explains the brown liquid) Suspect B: Breaded Chicken with Thai chilli sauce +friend rice+Sunny Side up... at tampines mart food court. If anybody from NEA is reading this, please do yr job p/s i think i shld seriously consider youtubing my vommiting process... the content.... the process.. WOOHOO...
After vommiting Brown liquid + rice and some chicken, (and im sure you dont wanna see the pix of it) I feel much better. The taste of the vommit and the purging process is the ultimate. Maybe my next vommit i shld youtube it.
Suspect A
|7:01 AM|
Night Cycling (on 20072007) i like the view on top of Sheares Bridge too - then we were off on the roads again,
26 cyclists went on a night tour,
in 5 groups of 5 plus 1 leader;
the leader is none other than TY,
who even came on his own bicycle.
the eastern lightning met at Tampines MRT
we were all on time, except one;
when we reached Marina MRT,
brethren and bikes were ready to run!
we began cycling almost at once,
"let the good times rock and roll!"
the first route we took took us to Esplanade,
the Fullerton and the Merlion Knoll.
here, i felt my cheeks so hot,
so embarrassed by our intention;
we disturbed diners and concert-goers,
for we seemed to attract unwanted attention!
oh, we were such a big, gregarious gang,
kinda loud, rowdy and wobbly;
we invaded the space for pedestrains,
scaring guests who emerged from the hotel lobby!
at one point, i tumbled and fell over
some tall, soft moss under my feet;
boon how, the hero, came to my rescue,
jump down from a 3m-drain, he did!
after that, we were on the road again,
flying through the E-C-P;
soon, we reached the Cosy Bay,
a nice, quiant and quiet place to be.
i like the bridge there most of all,
except that we broke its rule
which told cyclists to dismount
and push their bikes through.
the silhouettes of buildings to behold,
their shimmering lights, their brilliant colours,
made me think of heaven with its beauty untold!
and finally reached East Coast Park;
some used the toilets, some bought food
to fill their hungry stomachs!
i must tell you we had such good guides
who paced us along our way;
pro TY was assisted by fit TB,
with able JN to stop traffic, i say! i must also tell you of some strong arms,
who carried my mountain bikey
up and sometimes down the stairs,
saving me much of my depleted energy!
soon, it was the homeward bound journey,
by then, i was more than happy
to be on my way back to sleep -
the medication had made me drowsy!
all 26 brave cyclists met at block 393,
to end our tour de Singapore;
thank God for joy, safety and mercies
which are new every morning and sure!
|9:53 PM|
This week im gona live a life of self denial.
Mon - GYM 7am
Tue - CYCLE at 6am +RUNNING 2.4km at night
Wed - GYM7am
Thur -CYCLE at 6am +RUNNING 2.4kmkm at night
Fri - GYM7am
|8:44 AM|
I think hu married me will be very fortunate. It can be proven by how much i invested just to beautified my wife. One of the possible reasons y i nearly get knock down by cars maybe its because i do not have a head light. Got this extra bright head light to increase my chance of survival on the tiger mouth liked road. Too bad my headlights dont have high beam function.. If got.... woohooPump at funtionable state.
So this is my lastest zhng... cool?
|7:40 AM|
|7:06 PM|
hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa YES ! I WON 2 NDP TICKET PREVIEW!!!!! SO HAPPY!seems like taking part in a competition by stomp to win tickets is easier than participating in the stupid balloting excersie.
Who sae things dont fall down from the sky?
Die la, now i have another problem. WHO WILL BE MY HOT DATE?!
|2:07 AM|
Tonight is a very special night. Below are some activities you can do ...
1) have u been attending Prayer meeting? If not please do not hesitate to be found in the House of prayer at 2030 !
2) have u been excersing regualarly? especially those who are going to NS, hasnt always been in the pink of health or excessively overweight? Procastinate no more! Start todae! According to research the best time to excersice is from 2130 -2200 or 2330-0000.
What you shld not do tonight?
1) I hope tat tonight will be a green night. I hope tat from 2130 -2200 and 2330 -0000 my readers can try to save as much electricity as possible. Please try not to SWITCH ON YR TV, computer or other electrical appliances.
Thanks for all your support :)
|8:56 PM|
Consecutive two daes of nearly hit down by cars on the road. I got to say Ladies and gentleMENS, presenting to u Airzound 3...
Not the loudest only in singapore, in jb, some say in batam, BUT its the loudest in the world!
However this horn not very good, cause need to refill air one. One charge can only have about 20+ full blasting.
|10:02 PM|
Year 1987, Handsome Wang was born. I guess the most distintive feature i have would be my thick and long eye brown Very soon, it was my first year bdae, saw the spread? Heard my 1st month was in a resturant.. but y first year at home?? i tot shld upgrade to hotel? But nvm la.. good food can liao My doting grandpa and late grandma. +sis I guess i wasnt a easy kid to handle because as u can see on my left eye, there is already one long scar. Born to be a gangster. Sometimes when my mum is very bored. She is like aunt jane. would take camera out and practise her skills in shooting us. Most of the time we are quite buey gum wan to take these photos. 三兄妹.... Mi musically talented one ok? Got one shot is with guitar but lost. This one is with piano. Auntie mee mee/ LM ready to 收我为徒?
Me walking very steadily liao when im 1 years old
Haha, i guess this is the first bike i ever own. From this to now my specialized. somethings just never change. my bike still red colour! haha..
"Oi u own mi money when wanna pay" with my assitant bear...
Used to be Fan of ghost buster.
Mi and my kertucky beach ball.
Growing up daes were never boring. We had a few neighbours same age with us and our fav passtime is to play monopoly together and i beleive thats when i learn how to do biz. So. in younger daes, picking a fight was never a problem. Cause i was never lack of any possible candidate. Arbin and Phoebe... My first neighbour... Grew up together until they move to jurong.
Me and guess who? ITS BOON HOW! hahahaha!
|7:45 PM|
Lo and behold... i guess these is what you guys are waiting for. MY FATTER DAES! Many thank to body france marinline, i have successfully lose all the unessary weight. Can spot mi? Seems like my life seems to be surrounded by woman... born to be king David and Solomon.
Taking photo with megazord.. and 5 powerranger. lol..
This is my sis..... u never wanna know wad happen to her now... ITS UNBELEIVABLE. HAHAHA... (to sis time to shed some weight.) May this be yr motivation.
My sister with their Curtain dress...
Our grandpa drag us to studio to be models.... do what? EAT CORN FOR WHOLE 2 HRS.
Me and my gregy cousin....
Me at my fifth uncle wedding..
and tats me now...
|7:44 PM|