Finally, nearly half a year of holidaes has pass. I would sae it had been a enjoyable 6 months with little to care or worried about. Let me just use to the below space to record the things that had happen to me for the pass 6 months.
During the first month of the holiday, I got the job at the airport. The job scope was to give out perfume samples and leaflets to attract transit passengers to VANITY FAIR (really thats the name of the event) . I even have a job title. Beauty promoter...and have to wear the name tag everywhere i go. Well, I think i grew out of this kind of job hence i quited just mere 3 daes of work.
God was good to me. As soon as I quited the job, i was offered another job by my uncle to some games development job thingy. This job allow me to explore holland village inside out. The cheap and good economic beehoon, the price fluctuate like shares Nasi Lemak and not forgetting the soya bean will definetly draw me back to the place again.
Thank God also my transport cost had significant gone down thanks to the free rides Utb A sufen and bp offer me,
This Job i would sae is not my cup of tea but i find great joy in learning and accomplish certain task. To be able to make a tank to move from point A to B using keyboard is a magnificent exprience.
The Job also allow me to travelled to indonesia for two times. My virgin motocycle exprience was also given away on the very first trip to indonesia.
The only good thing about working for your relative is that, that make u a small boss. U call the shots what time to go home and what time to go to office, or weather to go office anot. Haha, but nevertheless, i did try my best in complete the task allocate to me.
During the Holiday, I manage to draw closer to God through 3 mission trips and 2 camps that i went to. Mission trips to Cambodia, Christian Home of Love and Batam had been rewarding and eye opening. Second year in children camp make mi realised that a new generation had come into our mist. And the youth are no longer youth but young adult taking up the roles of mentors and teachers to guide these precious souls.
Youth camp had been great. But it will be greater if more brethen who had left us could be still with us. Every year the size shrinks. Maybe we can have a differntiation formulae to caculate the rate of change. dy=dx. Heck i failed my caculas. Well that remind me of the parables of the sower. Are u on the stony ground? Thorny ground? Wayside? or Good ground?
Ok la i wanna go eat my last dinner liao ... bb ... see you 2 weeks later
|2:48 AM|
15 sept 06 was my first day reporting work at SKF. I wonder if 15 sept 08 will be like this.. 15 sept 07, I will be reporting work at SAF
So, After a long wait, finally i will be enlisting. For some who are curious how my life will be changed, i guess the below video will paints a thousand words.
|9:05 AM|
After 3.5 hours of Formula 1 driving, we Thank God that we can arrived at our destination in one piece. Thank God for this providence that we could stay at the mission house for the first night as our hotel we suppose to stay was fully occupied. Not only bed and breakfast was provided at this mission house, lunch and dinner was gladly provided too!
Uncle John was the speaker for the worship service. The worship service was attended by a congregation of 40 people who most of them leave in the city. Uncle John preached to them to cast their burden and cares upon Jesus and to trust in Him as His yoke is easy and His burden is light. After the worship service, we went to check in into our accommodation for the rest of 4 nights. Free mineral water, air-conditioning, water heater and English Premier League broadcast was provided for our recreation and comfort. Hey, must relax also right?
Soon night falls, by our request, we were brought to Mealy Chanda for our dinner. Good price and good food makes Aunty vow to be back for more action.
Part three coming up stay tune.
|9:50 AM|
I use to belive that its impossible for my to complete 10 laps without stopping to catch my breath. In fact i went to the extend tat after 1 lap, i would stop for about 20 seconds to replenished enough air in my lungs before i move on with my next lap. So armed with my NARA goggles i dived into the water and carefully studied his strokes. After half hour of spying, I have come to a understanding of all my problems and the right way to swim breastroke. If you dont mind. I would like to share with you my findings in three easy points B,H,L,H. Breathing A very important conponent in all swimming strokes. But ple seems to get the wrong and hence mess up their oxygen level in their lungs. In breastrokes, its easy. Keyword is blow bubbles. Both from yr nose and yr mouth. This is also wad we know as breathing out. Try to breathe out everything and get ready for your next intake of air. Remember dont ever breathe in in water. Trust me, Dont. When your head is just coming out from the water, continue with the breathing out method. This is so to clear off any water water residue in your mouth or nose before yr intake of air. Before going in the water. remember to catch your breathe either from your mouth or nose or both. HEAD Yes, i noticed alot ple like to keep their face in a forward position. Its ok to do so when your are breathing. But its a taboo when ure are underwater. Try to face the floor rather than in a forward direction. This will give u less water resistence and hence increasing your speed. LEGS and HANDS Once you are in the water, the first thing u need to do is kick. Some ple tend to kick and paddle at the same time. Let me tell you. to kick and to paddle at the same time will only waste yr precious energy and expose yrself to more water resistent. So remmber kick first only. During yr kick, your hands must be in a forward direction(over your head) with palm facing together. This lesser expose yrself to water resistent and allow u to propelled much ahead. After completing your kick, straigthen yr legs. and start to paddle. Try to go as large circle as u can. and at the same time come out to breathe. So folks tats my findings. and after adopting this method. I have no problem in completing a 20 laps at one go with a impressive timing of 28 mins and 10 seconds. Try it, who know u might be the next Michael Phelps
|8:50 AM|
Being jobless, I couldn’t afford full-frills airline such as Silkair, hence I got to traveled by a budget airline Jetstar which lands me in Cambodia 1 day earlier than my fellow comrades.
Just a seat... No frills.
My guest house. 15USD.. Thanks lime for the sponsorship
· S-21 Museum. · Russian Market (Shopping Paradise for Aunty)
· Central Market (Shopping Paradise for Aunty)
· Lunch
· Mekong River / Palace.
After doing what a tourist should do, a missionary gonna do wad a missionary gonna do. And that’s to get on to the car and head down south to our mission base, Sihanouville (kompongsom). Through the journey, we have seen with our eyes how God has bless and prosper Cambodia.
|3:41 AM|