|7:09 AM|
Nothing to blog so blog about my dinner.Got wu xiang, sweet corn pork ribs soup, egg omellete and some fish ...
Thats y i seldom eat out.
save money mah. Now petrol so expensive..
|8:58 AM|
Anyway.. following 3 weeks, we had ex after ex. As i wasnt part of the ex troop, i get to eat ji pa drink bubble tea until i can really kiss my ippt gold goodbye. Actually having ex. in taiwan is not too bad. cause u get to eat: You get to see .. But the sucky part is to spent yr once and only 21 birthday out in the rural area of taiwan. Thats all! Next DESTINATION will be the jungle of brunei.... in june.. stay tune Eva air was the first full fledge airline that i took that offer inflight entertainment. Had a great time figuring out wad button leads to wad function.
The air stewardess are so dammed sweet and chio that for once i tot of signing on with the ROC army.
I thiink i really sign on the wrong army.
Yummy night snack (i can eat 5 of this every night)
Some pleasant surprise ....
Fireworks shows during training.
And sexy pin lang mei while you are on the road.
Eating my brithdae cake.
My birthdae dinner.
Exciting right?
Soon ex daes were over and its R AND RPlayin my fav machine... manage to catch one monkey.
The dare devils at jian fu shan.
Scariest ride of the dae. The g5 dive machine
|9:06 PM|